
Corona Virus – Keep Calm and Book your Pool Opening

We continue to follow the advice given to us by Local and Central Government. At this moment, as far as we are aware, there is no reason why you should decline access to your swimming pool or hot tub for any inspections or contract work.

However we do not know what restrictions may be coming with regards to transport and our ability to travel, so we would suggest you book your Swimming Pool Opening as soon as possible.

To minimise risk, the current NHS advice should be followed and you can keep up to date with their recommendations on their website.

 Please do ensure you are following the below guidance, to help prevent the spread of infection:


  1. wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
  2. always wash your hands when you get home or into work
  3. use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
  4. cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
  5. put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
  6. avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of coronavirus
  7. only travel on public transport if you need to
  8. work from home, if you can
  9. avoid social activities, such as going to pubs, restaurants, theatres and cinemas
  10. avoid events with large groups of people
  11. use phone, online services, or apps to contact your GP surgery or other NHS services


  • do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
  • do not have visitors to your home, including friends and family  (If we restrict our activities to your garden area, have no physical contact and wear disposable gloves which we will take away and dispose of, we are minimising as many risks as we possibly can)

If you are worried about any symptoms, please call NHS 111 – do NOT go directly to your GP.

To avoid cross-contamination, when visiting your property, our employees

  1. will endeavour to keep at least 1.5 – 2m away from customers – please help us enforce this;
  2. where possible they will wash their hands with soap or use hand sanitiser or wear disposable gloves.

If you are self-isolating for whatever reason, we can still carry on with most of our work, pool openings, valets etc. in your absence, which would reduce the risks even further.

PWTAG, the Pool Water Advisory Group, have confirmed that chlorinated swimming pool water will render the virus inactive.

Is it still safe to go swimming at this time? Can the virus be transmitted through the pool water?

PWTAG has consulted with Public Health England who have told us: “We have checked with our national leads who confirm that coronavirus would be inactivated at the levels of chlorine used in swimming pools.”

Public Health opinion is that it is generally safe to go swimming at this time. Water and the chlorine within swimming pools will help to kill the virus. Of concern, though, is the interaction that pool users have with each other beyond the swimming activity. The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is evolving and characteristics of the virus are still being determined.’

Here is a link to this article:

However, in order to ensure we keep our customers, our staff, and our families as safe as possible we ask that you contact Swimming Pool Solutions immediately if you decide to self-isolate, so we can prevent any potential cross contamination between all parties.